Traduction et définition

delighted: enchanté, ravi adjective
to delight: ravir, prendre plaisir verb


  • "Samantha : I'm delighted to be here."
  • "I am delighted to say that after nine long rounds of interviews, we have finally arrived at the very, very, very, VERY shortlist."
  • "Our advice to concert-goers: if you enjoy vulgar language, prepare to be delighted!"
  • "Therefore, we are delighted to inform you that you have been selected to compete in the Olympic Games."
  • "I am delighted to announce that the first six months of this year have been among the most successful in the Delavigne Corporation's history."
  • "Company president and CEO Bruno Delavigne is delighted with the building: "This brings Delavigne out of the realm of perfume, and into the world of art."
  • "We are delighted that you have decided to join us as our newest account manager."
  • "The Delavigne Corporation is delighted to announce the launch of the new and improved Classic Collection publicity campaign, still starring Ivana Bümbüm. Offering a more subtle approach than the first version of the Classic Collection campaign earlier this year, the new marketing strategy is more innovative in its attention to nuance, and its bespoke approach."
  • "AFS machine : Delavigne's delighted with the coffee that you've brewed."

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