
a student: a pupil, a scholar, a learner, an apprentice noun
to study: to learn, to contemplate, to practice, to read up verb
a study: an investigation, an analysis, a report, a piece of research noun
  • "Dr. Loblaw : Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the scientific study of anomalous speech patterns - also known as the "crazy accent contest"."
  • "Students : Sir, yes, sir!"
  • "After finishing his studies, Philip took a..."
  • "Reporter : Would you consider being studied by professionals?"
  • "Emcee : Our first panelist is a professor of dromedary studies at the University of Giza."
  • "Bruno : I decided to embark on a mission to study the dolphin in its natural habitat."
  • "I'm not some laboratory animal, to be studied by doctors or veterinarians."
  • "Narrator : Bruno never forgot this remarkable first encounter, and spent his years at University studying animal behavior and linguistics."
  • "Brian : So Bruno, you were a good student, but did you ever let loose and party a bit?"
  • "Believe it or not, I studied 19th-century French poetry."

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